n an interview with Sky News on 3 May 2023, Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, confirmed the Renters' Reform Bill will be introduced to Parliament next week.
The UK Government published the Fairer Private Rented Sector White Paper in 2022, with claims it will redress the balance between landlords and 4.4 million tenants in the private rented sector (PRS).
The Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee reviewed the White Paper and published it's findings in February 2023, which included recommendations to the UK Government in preparing for the Bill.
The Bill is expected to include a wide range of reforms and will outlinewhich measures are to beintroduced into law at short notice and those that may require primary legislation, which can take up to a year to get through Parliament.
- Revised routes to regain possession
- No blanket ban for renting with pets
- Decent Homes Standard
- Dedicated Housing Court
- Arbitrary rent review clauses will cease
- Blanket bans on renting benefit recipients (or families with children)
- New private renters' ombudsman created to settle disputes between tenants and landlords quickly
Propertymark has an ongoing dialogue with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and will share further details with members on what the reforms will actually mean to them, their landlords, and their tenants, and the timelines to changes practices.
We also will scrutinise the proposals, pushing for amendments where necessary and championing the role of letting agents to ensure the reforms are workable and fit for purpose.