
Good to get you in, then ignore you

Worst company I have ever dealt with. They never reply, ignore you and don’t help with maintenance issues. To top that off since I have moved out of the property they have given out my name, telephone number and previous address to a third party company without my permission. When emailing explaining this was a data protection issue I got no response and they have ignored me ever since. Will never deal with this company again!!!! fresh move 21 Sep 2019 Dear HS. It is difficult to respond to your review because we have no idea who you are or which property you are referring to. We are not aware of any emails that have not been responded to and your statement advising that we never reply is completely inaccurate. We have a unique maintenance system that allows tenants to report damages and upload pictures. All this is documented with time frames so no maintenance is left for any length of time. Some tenants do not respond to contractors as that leads to delays at times. We only ever give out details to contractors to gain access or discuss works as specified in our tenancy agreements and privacy policy. Your details would not have been given out to anyone for any other reason. Would you be so kind to expand on your complaint and be specific regarding the address of the property.. Our team work really hard to ensure that all works are completed quickly and all emails responded to. Warmest regards The Fresh Move Team

by HS
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